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My goal is for you to feel like my client in the TakeTEN 10-day wellness retreat, but all from the comfort of your home at your own pace.
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Welcome to wellness, Dr. Cheryl
Fight Cancer and Beat Disease... One Delicious Sip at a Time!
If you know me, you know I’m a big smoothie fan, but sometimes when it’s cooler outside I crave a warm mug in my hands.
I didn’t want to trade in all of the nutritional benefits of my usual morning Super Smoothie for that warm drink, so I created this Superfood Coffee.
This drink is so delicious that even non-coffee drinkers will crave it. Plus it’s packed with antioxidants (not sure why that’s awesome, check out this blog).
Not to mention, this drink is calorie-free if you make it with 100% cacao powder. There is no sugar or milk in this rich flavored beverage packed with natural ingredients that are loaded with healing nutrients.
Wanting to make my Superfood Coffee perfectly at home, I started my search for the best, healthiest brew with the great flavor. I needed just the right equipment and wanted the full experience of grinding my beans fresh each day. I ordered a very simple grinder that allows me to get just the right grind for the brewing of this drink.
Typically, coffee irritates my stomach, so I wanted to find beans that were fresh roasted, organic grown so I wasn’t adding more pesticides to my diet, and beans that were low acid.
Check out the links below for the equipment, coffee beans and seasonings that I chose for my kitchen and morning coffee. I’ve researched and found the best of the best!
There’s many ways to brew coffee, so for this Superfood Coffee I researched what would be the best for the taste, my health, and lowering the acidity of the drink. I landed on the pour over brewing method. This healthy brewing process, if done correctly, meets all of my requirements for the best brewing experience.
Not only does pour over allow me to brew coffee well, I can steep the green tea with the coffee grounds together. The pour over method is also one of the fastest and most economical methods to make great coffee. You can create coffee that is soft and well balanced with just the right flavor.
The key to the perfect cup is great quality beans freshly ground to a medium fine grind and water at 205 degrees F. The rate and speed that the water passes over the coffee grounds matters too.
Too fast and the coffee will taste sour and watery and too slow of a pour will create over extraction of the coffee and taste very acidic. When you get the right pour over equipment with a flat bottom funnel for brewing just right, you will enjoy fresh tasting coffee that is clear, no sediment, lower natural oils, low cost, and faster brewing time.
Your Superfood Coffee can be a warm morning beverage or poured over a large glass full of ice to turn it into an Iced Superfood Coffee. Whichever way you choose to enjoy it, you can feel good knowing your body was just supercharged with healing antioxidants that reduce inflammation in the body with a delicious, naturally calorie free beverage.
Here’s what’s inside my Superfood Coffee:
Pour over coffee
Loose-leaf green tea
Links to all my favorite tools & ingredients are below!
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Gear, Beans, Brew, Taste: You need just the right combination of these four components to have the perfect cup of coffee. Check out all my tips below and my favorites to see what gear I prefer, what beans are my favorite, and how to brew to get the perfect taste. Remember, this is all from a non-coffee drinker (that’s me!) taking the time to learn all of this and show you what has become my favorite combination for a morning superfood boost!
I am a fan of Fellow for pour over coffee equipment and coffee grinders:
One of my favorite Pour Over Brewers made by Fellow:
An awesome Electric Kettle from Fellow for the perfect pour over experience and best even extraction of flavor:
My favorite coffee is made by Lifeboost coffee. They make delicious, low acid, organic coffee that is freshly roasted after you place your order and ship directly to your door. Their low acid coffee is really great for people who are more sensitive to the acidity in most coffee. The organic beans promise to remove the pesticides that are prominent in typical coffee beans. Get your Lifeboost beans here:
They also make a Swiss water decaf coffee that is organic and lower acid that is another one of my favorites since I make my coffee half caff - 50% caffeinated beans and 50% non-caffeinated beans.
My favorite Lifeboost coffee is the dark roast beans from Africa:
My favorite cinnamon is Simply Organic ground Ceylon Cinnamon:
My favorite cocoa powder is Navitas Cacao powder organic, nonGMO:
My favorite green tea flavor is Pinhead Gunpowder. Green Tea Loose leaf made by Organically Positive Tea on Amazon is where I order mine. This is a strong flavor green tea that delivers a high concentration of antioxidants, which makes this coffee especially beneficial. Order green tea on Amazon:
Amount per serving